Sunday, November 3, 2013

Rain, rain go away....

Remember Friday's post when I said I was going to The Fancy Flea - rain or shine?
Our weatherman predicted rain.
 I had no intentions of letting a little rain stop me - I was going prepared.
 I loaded my backpack with rain ponchos, a couple of umbrellas and even changed into my sneakers.
I was ready!
When I opened the front door to leave, it was pouring rain.
I still wasn't worried.
 I've lived in Florida long enough to know it could be raining at my house and not a drop across the street - seriously.
Plant City is approximately 30 miles from my home - I wasn't worried.
We made a run for the car and we were on our way.
The Fancy Flea OR BUST!
When we pulled into the parking lot it was raining so hard we decided to sit it out a bit.
We waited for 30 minutes or more, but the rain didn't seem to let up, even a little.
In fact, it started raining harder.
The entire event was held OUTDOORS, so... I am beginning to get a little worried.
Worried, but still determined.
How bad could it be?
After all, I'm armed with rain ponchos and umbrellas.
We could see some kind of shelter between us and the front gate.
Splashing through the muddy parking lot, we made a run for it!
We got soaked... umbrella and all.
Again, we waited under the shelter for quite a while for the rain to let up.
While waiting under the shelter we saw several brave souls going in...
...only to return empty handed 15 minutes later.
A couple of gals came out and made a run for the shelter we were under, so I asked...
Apparently, it was raining so hard the venders had everything covered with tarps to protect their wares and you were unable to see anything they had for sale.
 Looking like it was going to be an all day rain, we sadly made our way back to the car.
Even though I was disappointed (to say the least), I was even more disappointed for all the venders who put so much time and effort into this event.
Maybe next year....


UndercoverVendor said...

The rain was horrible at first but it let up later in the afternoon.

Debbie said...

:-( Yes next year! and mayhaps I will be able to come down for that one! :-)

Terri said...

What rotten luck!! This sounds like something that would happen to me! Those vendors must have been devastated as well!

Hopefully, you will have better luck next year!

Melanie said...

Aw, that's really too bad that the rain ruined what would've been a good time at the flea mkt. I feel bad for the vendors, too.