Friday, January 31, 2014

Welcome to the neighborhood.

I am getting a new neighbor right next door and I am so excited to meet her.
According to the previous owner, she is a single gal, moving down from the northeast and should be here in February.
I don't know her name, so I was trying to come up with a way to welcome her and give her something personal for her new home.
Since I have no idea what colors she has in her home or her decorating style, I went with something simple.
I figured cupcakes go with ANYTHING including Home "sweet" Home.

I personalized it by including her new address under the cupcake.
(To protect her privacy I have blurred out the address in the picture.)

 Here it is wrapped and ready to be delivered.

I can't wait to meet her.


Kathy E. said...

Your new neighbor will love your gift...and she'll love you, too! You are so kind and thoughtful. My daughter lives in her first apartment and no one in the building even speak beyond a casual greeting. May this be a warm welcome to a great relationship for both of you!

Debbie said...

You are the 'sweetest' person I know :)

Terri said...

This is so cute...she is going to LOVE it...and she is also going to find out what a "sweet" neighbor she has!