Thursday, March 21, 2019

Roosters, hens and baby chicks

My neighbor's kitchen and dining area are decorated in roosters and chickens.
LOTS of roosters and chickens.
When her birthday rolled around last year I was trying to come up with a gift I could make with my Cricut.
I found these glass cutting boards on sale at Walmart and (with future gifts in mind) bought five of them.

These cutting boards are super easy to personalize using your Cricut.
The design is put onto the back of the cutting board so all I needed to do was make sure I reversed all lettering before cutting it out. 

Mom, Dad and the three baby chicks.

Because the design is on the back, it's still a usable cutting board.
Hand wash only.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hiding your mistakes

I've got lots of excuses for not making my blogging goal of posting twice a week.
Wanna hear them?
Well then, I will spare you the details and move on....

Even though I haven't blogged lately, I have been sewing.
I even finished a couple things.
 I just haven't found the time to blog about them.

One thing I have been experimenting with is free motion quilting.
Originally I stitched up a small scrappy piece to practice on, but decided to try on a muslin sandwich instead.

Good thang.

What I found out so far, is I'm not very good at it and I need LOTS of practice.
Why do all those U-tuber's make it look so easy?

 I decided since I need LOTS more practice I would just use a few decorative stitches on my machine instead.
I really like the looks of this wavy stitch.

One problem.
I ran out of bobbin midstream and then couldn't figure out where to begin stitching again so I ended up with this...

So, I quickly hid my mistake!

I now have a new mug rug.

None the wiser.

See ya soon.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wrapped in history

I woke this morning to 43 degree weather.
I know for some of you that would be balmy, but I'm a Florida gal and it's freezing to us.
This got me thinking about the women in my family who hand quilted blankets out of necessity - not hobby.
 Aren't these pretty?

We inherited these when my mother and mother-in-law passed away. 
All hand made by my mother, my grandmother, my mother-in-law and both Mr. Fisherman's grandmothers.
Some have been well loved over the years and are tattered and torn.

Doesn't make them any less beautiful to me...